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A book is a set or collection of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of paper, parchment, or other material, usually fastened together to hinge at one side. A single sheet within a book is called a leaf, and each side of a sheet is called a page. A book produced in electronic format is known as an e-book.

The purpose of a book is to be read by the eyes or by fingertips and in some cases by hearing to gather information that has been recorded or printed onto a piece for the transferring of information to the brain for processing.

Books may also refer to a literary work, or a main division of such a work. In library and information sciences, a book is called a monographs, to distinguish it from serial periodicals such as magazines, journals and newspapers.

In novels, a book may be divided into several large sections, also called books (Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, etc).

A lover of books is usually referred to a bibliophile, a bibliophilist, or a philobiblist, or, more informally, a bookworm.


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